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ECN's ACE Awards Celebrations will be going Regional in 2023:

Northeast & Southeast ECN ACEs

The submission deadline is Dec. 1, 2022

Midwest & Central ECN ACEs

The submission deadline is March 1, 2023

Northwest & Southwest

ECN ACEs submission deadline is June 1, 2023

The International ECN ACEs

The submission deadline is Sept. 1, 2023

The ECN 2023 ACE Awards will have regional celebrations throughout 2023 - check back for further details

Exhibit City News magazine, is proud to honor the men and women of your crew with the first national awards honoring  I&D, contractors and laborers who make the tradeshows and events HAPPEN!

The ACE Awards honor the "BEST of" Aces who bring excellence to the show floors and exhibit houses. I&D ACES will be recognized for their dedication to company, customer, facility and co-workers - for going above and beyond with their hard work, loyalty and dedication.





Willie Matamoros Firefighter Nth Degree

Willie Matamoros Firefighter Nth Degree

Mike Macauley Traveling Lead NthDegree p

Mike Macauley Traveling Lead NthDegree p

Will Goza Rookie ShoLink pix 1 headshot.

Will Goza Rookie ShoLink pix 1 headshot.

Robert Lassiter traveling lead The Trade

Robert Lassiter traveling lead The Trade

Mike Haren Seasoned Veteran ShoLink pix

Mike Haren Seasoned Veteran ShoLink pix

Ken Broadbent Posthumous ShoLink pix 1 h

Ken Broadbent Posthumous ShoLink pix 1 h

Joe Brassell City Manager ShoLink pix 2

Joe Brassell City Manager ShoLink pix 2

Gino Apadula Seasoned Veteran Nth Degree

Gino Apadula Seasoned Veteran Nth Degree

Gary_Wannemacher_Lifetime Achievement Nt

Gary_Wannemacher_Lifetime Achievement Nt

Chris Pohanka NuVista Traveling pix 1 he

Chris Pohanka NuVista Traveling pix 1 he

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