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city manager of the year


Joe Brassell City Manager ShoLink pix 2
Joey Brassell

Sho-Link, Lake Forest, Illinois




Nominated by

Joe O’Reilly, director of field operations, Sho-Link, Loganville, Georgia

When someone asks who the best city manager is, it would immediately spark a debate with so many qualified and dedicated candidates that comprise the Sho-Link family. But if you had to narrow it down for the poster shoot, Joey Brassell would be the candidate. He embodies the soul and spirit of the Sho-Link brand and coming to his town means more than just providing the service, communication, dedication and leadership all our clients need, require and ask for, you now are also part of his family…then and forever. It has always been more than a job for Joey…it has also been a lifestyle providing an unmatched level of service where everyone is important. You learn this the first time you are on the floor meeting him and his team. Always confirming that all your needs are meet; providing an environment that breeds excellence and a can-do attitude whether with our client’s properties or needs or simply breaking bread with them. The first one on and the last one off the floor, one of the hardest workers you will see on the floor it is not “are we done?” …it’s, “what’s next?” He has a positive can-do attitude who truly knows his craft and is prepared with all the answers to all questions.


A true definition of a gentlemen who cares as much if not more about you, the person, as you, the client, fellow worker and the job itself. He has a limitless energy with a strong work ethic, a passion for the industry, a commitment to the core values of the company and an ownership of the job that it really isn’t Nashville…it’s Joeyville.—Joe O’Reilly, director of field operations, Sho-Link


Co-worker Testimonial:

I've had the privilege of working for Joey the past ten years; and his commitment to Sho-Link's core values, and the relationships he has built on trust and respect of his peers make him well deserving of this award. He has dedicated himself to delivering the quality of customer service and experience that is essential to the sustained growth of the Sho-Link brand. His active approach to finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem, and the ability to adapt to various situations demonstrate his effective and seasoned knowledge of the tradeshow industry. Above all, he understands the significance of mentoring and better preparing us to achieve the values and success he strives for on a daily basis.-- Aaron Lincoln, traveling lead, Sho-Link

Client Testimonials:

My name is Jaimie Green, and I work for Trinity Industries, Inc as their director of promotions/CEMC Groups. The exhibit company I use is Derse and they lined up a labor crew in Nashville, for the NPGA show, that exceeded all of my show experiences over the years. They presented themselves in such a professional manner and were capable, courteous, friendly.....always staying on task....just a great team! I don't have all of their last names but the team members were Joey Brassell, David Brassell, Aaron, Matt and George. Please pass along my appreciation to these guys. I wish I could work with them at all my shows.--Jaimie Green, director of promotions/CEMC Groups, Trinity Industries, Inc.

  I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU! I was beyond pleased and thankful for the crew and leadership we had at the recent Harley-Davidson RRE event. David Brassell was great as always, Aaron was an absolute pleasure and Joey…well we all know I love me some Joey. Again, I love coming to Nashville because ya’ll make us feel right at home! Thanks again, please make sure this makes its way up the corporate ladder and these guys and their crews get a big ol’ pat on the back. --Katy Paquette, account director, Derse, Milwaukee, Wisc.

I have done numerous (dozens) shows over the past few months using Sho-Link labor. Just now getting caught up from a busy spring/early summer schedule.
I travel with many of my larger booths & see Sho-Link labor at work, first hand.
I have had some great workers in Chicago, San Diego and Nashville with several shows recently.

In Nashville it is just record setting on how Joey & David Brassell keep things organized and the quality of workers they supervise. I have never had a bad experience or problem of any kind in Nashville with a show. I know I can always rest easy when my customer is having a show in Nashville. These guys have to be the best in the country. I would like to nominate from Nashville: Joey Brassell, David Brassell, Joe Brassell III (son), and Aaron. I appreciate all the guys listed above, & their hard work they do for myself and Downing Displays throughout the year’s time.--Daniel M. Imhoff, account executive, Downing Displays, Milford, Ohio


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